
Friday, April 10, 2015




Deby Noviyanti (12222020)

Darminiyanti, M.Pd.I



Part of plants that often described is flower. In describing flower, in addition to the words, can be added to images that describe the parts of flowers or a floral diagram. Except with diagrams, flower arrangement can be expressed by a formula consisting of symbols, letters and numbers are all that can give you an idea about the various properties and their flower parts (Tjitrosoepomo,1994).
Flower diagram is a picture projected on a flat side of all the parts that are cut crosswise, so that the diagram depicted in the cross section leaves petals, crown flower, stamens, and pistils, as well as other parts that still exist in addition to the four main sections proficiency level (Lakitan, 2011).
In making flower diagram, need to note the location of flowers on plants (Iaxillaries or terminal) and flower parts (number, shape, position) itself. The manufacturing can empirically (real condition) or theoretical (should circumstances) (Lakitan, 2011).
For flower formula, the symbols used in the formula notify flower floral traits related to symmetry and sex, the letters are an abbreviation of its parts, while the number express of each part of the flower (Sutarmi, 1983) .
1.2. Destination
       Students can make the flower formula and diagram from the flowers that be materials.


       2.1. Diagram of Flower
Diagram of flower is an image projected on a flat side from all parts of the flower are cut crosswise, so the diagram was described as a cross-sections leaves petals, crown flower, stamens, and pistils, as well as other flower parts if there are, in addition to the fourth part of the principal. Typically from the leaves and petals of flowers editorial section cross drawn between, whereas stamen illustrated cross-section of anthers and pistil cross-section of his will. Of further flower diagram can also be shown the number of each part of the flower, and how the layout and structure from each other (Lakitan, 2011).
Flower parts sitting on the base of the flower, each organized in a circle or more. In the diagram of flowers, each piece must be described in such a way, so it is unlikely the two different parts of the flower depicted with the same symbols. Given that the drawn-sectional diagram of the cross section of each part of the flower, then the possibility of the equation is simply the image of the leaf canopy flower petals and leaves, while the stamens and stigma it seems there will be no errors. If you make a flower diagram, should pay attention to the following matters (Lakitan , 201) :
1.      Location of flower in plants, distinguished two kinds of flowers layout:
a.       Flowers on the tip of the stem or branch (terminalis flos).
b.      Flower contained in the armpit leaves (axillary flos).
2.      Flower parts had to be made diagrams are arranged in several circles.
In drawing the flower parts that must be considered is (Tjitrosoepomo, 1994):
   a.       How many of each part of the flower.
   b.      How its structure to another.
   c.       How the arrangement of the parts of another flower .
   d.      How does the location of the parts of the flower to the median plane .

Other parts of the flower which can often be a typical characteristic for certain classifications of plants and naturally also when expressed in flower diagram, among others (Tjitrosoepomo, 1994):
1.    Additional petals (epicalyx), commonly found in plants Malvaceae tribe.
2.   Crown (canopy) additional (corona), which is commonly found in tribe Asclepiadaceae.
In preparing our flower diagram can be opinionated on (Lakitan, 2011):
1.    Just describe the parts of flowers according to what it is.
2.  Making flower diagram that not only contains the parts that actually exist, but also illustrates the parts that no longer exists (reduced).
Thus we can distinguish two kinds of flowers that diagram (Tjitrosoepomo, 2009):
a.    Empirical flower diagram, ie a diagram containing only flower parts that actually exist, so describe the actual state of flower, therefore this diagram is also called a diagram really.
b.    Theoretical diagram, is a diagram depicting flowers in addition to parts of real flower, also includes parts that no longer exists.

      2.2. Flowers formula
The flower arrangement can also be expressed by a formula , which consists of symbols , letters and numbers , which is all it can give you an idea about the various properties and their flower parts (Sutarmi,1983).
Symbols used in the formula tells the nature of the interest rate borne by the symmetry or sex, the letters are an abbreviation for the parts of flowers . Besides, there are other symbols that show the relationship anymore flower parts to one another (Sutarmi, 1983).
By a formula shown interest can only matters concerning the 4 main parts of interest as follows (Tjitrosoepomo, 1994):
1.    Petals, which is indicated by the letter K stands for the word Kalix (calyx).
2.    Canopy or crown, which is indicated by the letter C stands for the word corolla.
3.    Sari threads, represented by the letters A, stands for androecium.
4.     Pistil, which is indicated by the letter G, stands for gynaecium.
If the petals and the same crown, both shape and color, we then use another letter to declare that section, the letters P, abbreviation word perigonium (Sutarmi, 1983).
Behind the letters and wager figures showing the number of each piece before, and between the two parts of flowers are depicted with letters and numbers put it in a coma. If for example, has 5 leaf flower petals, 5 petals, 10 stamens and pistils that occurred from leaf piece of fruit, then the formula is (Sutarmi, 1983):
K5, C5, A10, G1. (Peacock flower)
In front of the formula should be a sign indicating the symmetry of flowers. Usually only two kinds of marks given symmetry, namely: * for flowers and signs ↑ to interest that have one symmetry. So in this case the formula peacock flower, which is zigomorf, the formula becomes (Sutarmi, 1983):
↑ K5 , A5 , A10 , G1
Lilies being the church that is aktinimorf formula becomes (Sutarmi, 1983):
P6 , A6 , G3
In addition to the symmetry symbols indicate interest formula can also be added to the sex symbol that shows interest. For pansy flower symbol ♀ in use, to wear the symbol ♂ male flowers and female flowers used for ♀ symbol. Coat sexes emblem placed in front of symmetry. If the two examples above formula is equipped with the symbol of sex, then the formula becomes (Sutarmi, 1983):
♀, ↑, K5, A5, A10, G1 and ♀, *, P6, A6, G3.
A flower parts can be arranged in more than one circle. The flowers are worn above example each instance has its parts arranged in a circle 5. Peacock flower eg. stamen has two circles, with 5 stamens of each circle, being lily leaves church tent has 2 circle flower stamens and 2 circles, each circle have 3. In such a case behind letters indicating which parts are arranged in more than one circle had to be in place 2 times the number that indicates the number of parts in each circle with a + sign between the two numbers earlier. Example (Sutarmi, 1983):
♀ ↑ K5 , C5 , A5 + 5 , G1 and ♀ * P3 + 3 + 3 A3 , G3


3.1. Time And Place
Practical Morphology of Plants and Flowers Figure Flowers Formula held on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 starting at 15:00 to 16:30 pm. Practicum is conducted at the Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Tarbiyah Islamic Institute of Raden Fatah Palembang.

3.2. Equipment and Materials
3.2.1. Tool
The tools used are trays / tray, razor blade / knife Cutter, Color Pencil, Ruler, and A4 paper.

3.2.2. Material
The materials used are the hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), flower beads (Canna sp), twigs alamanda (Allamanda cathartica L), flower paper (Bougenvilla spectabilis), a lotus (Nymphaea lotus L), scorpion orchid (Arachis flos-Aeris), and roses (Rosa sp).

3.3. Work Procedures
1           .      Preparing all tools and materials
2           .      Creating floral formula and floral diagram of the materials available.